Every Member a Priest
You are a chosen race, a new breed. Your race is like an ethnicity you were born in, but now you have been born again. And that means, it is no longer Jew, gentile, black white, African, Asian, middle eastern, it is CHILD OF GOD. And that means I am technically more closely related to a 13 year old Bangladeshi Christian kid in Dhaka than I am to an unbeliever who looks just like me right here in Alabama.
Like a kings private collection of jewels and riches, that’s what you are to me—treasure. my jewels, you are set apart, a holy nation, and you are a kingdom of priests. King-priests like my son. You know, your big brother Jesus. Kings because you are gonna reign with me and we are gonna make something beautiful of this world. Priests because I don’t want to talk to you indirectly, through a mediator. There is only one mediator between me and you that is needed, and your brother Jesus handled that. I want to be with you, so thus you are priests.”
Let’s unpack this title “priesthood.” This title, Priesthood, lets us know at least 2 things are true about God’s people: The priesthood comes with Unique Privileges and Unique Purposes