Every Member a Witness

Mar 7, 2021

When the facts are being disputed, OH how you need an eye witness. Someone who saw and heard, and is willing to tell the truth about it.

Have you considered how compelling and powerful an eyewitness is?

Do you ever stop to think about how important a witness is? Just how powerful and important the role as a witness is?

When we hear the word “witness” we think most often about testimony in a court of law. And that is a good way to think about it. Lawyers who want an open shut case have to look no farther than an EYEWITNESS. Now, granted, most of what I know about courtrooms comes from Matlock and Law and Order, but it stands to reason there is nothing more powerful than when they ask, is your attacker is the room, ma’am? Could you point him out? The eyewitness says, yes your honor, there he is!

Eyewitnesses have brought down thieves, murderers, kings, terrorists, and tyrants.
And there is no doubt, when lives were hanging in the balance, the truth of an eyewitness has
saved lives.

There is a courtroom scene found in One of the glorious passages of the Bible
Turn to Isaiah 43:8