A One Handful Life "The Quest" Part 4
I believed for years this simple sentence: If 1 is good, 2 must be ______! of course, BETTER!
If 1 skittle is good, 2 is automatically _____? (better)
If 1 handful of Skittles are good, 2 is automatically _____? (better)
If 1 dollar is good, 2 is automatically _____? (better)
If 1 car is good, 2 cars are automatically _____? (better)
If a 1 bedroom house is good, 2 is automatically _____? (better)
If 1 hobby is good, 2 is automatically _____? (better)
If 1 extra curricular activity is good, 2 is automatically _____? (better)
If 1 kid is good, 2 is _____? (better?)
If 1 wife is good, 2 is ____?-ILLEGAL!
If something is good, MORE must always be BETTER, right?
I believed for SO LONG, if you go ALL THE WAY BACK TO THE GARDEN OF EDEN this is what he was saying:
“Whatever you DON’T have, is what you NEED to be happy!” You can’t have THAT fruit?
We automatically believe we need more, and more is always better, and will make you happy. It’s better to have less of what doesn’t matter and more of what does.
Turn to Ecclesiastes 4