A Uniquely Christian Life
NOTE: I am skipping 1 Peter 2:4-12 because I recently preached on these verses as part of my Every Member Series. If you missed it you can go back and check out EVERY MEMBER a PRIEST and EVERY MEMBER an ALIEN.
The theme of this whole series is be HOLY, be set apart. Different. And the point is clear as to why—to win over the skeptical. That is that business about 1 peter 2:12 that those pagans may one day be wowed to the glory of God! Those who are highly resistant to the gospel will have to sit up and take notice. Your life is to be evidence for Christ that cannot be easily dismissed.
But honestly, how different are Christians from the rest of the world? And I know we are often made to feel guilty especially, considering we have the awesome, supernatural power of the Holy Spirit living inside us? I asked you last week if you are a Christian, does the Holy Spirit live inside of you and you correctly answered, “YES!” But in what ways are we different? Because preachers say OUR LIVES are supposed to look different, and I get that, but like, HOW exactly? In what ways?
What makes someone uniquely Christian?