Family Night Suppers
5:00 PM Families in the Fellowship Hall
Wednesday Adult Discipleship

Children & Students
Wednesday Discipleship
6:00 PM First Kids -Mission Friends, RA's, GA's
6:00 PM Student Gathering
6:00 PM Student Gathering

Children & Students
Wednesday Discipleship
6:00 PM First Kids -Mission Friends, RA's, GA's
6:00 PM Student Gathering
6:00 PM Student Gathering

Wednesday Worship Rehearsals
6:00 PM Choir & Rhythm
in the Choir Room
6:00 PM Praise Team & Band
in the ROC
in the Choir Room
6:00 PM Praise Team & Band
in the ROC

Worship Rehearsals
6:00 PM Choir & Rhythm
in the Choir Room
in the Choir Room

6:00 PM Praise Team & Band
in the ROC

Wednesday Worship Rehearsals
6:00 PM Choir & Rhythm
in the Choir Room
6:00 PM Praise Team & Band
in the ROC
in the Choir Room
6:00 PM Praise Team & Band
in the ROC